Sat.- Sun.
▶October 27-28, 2012
Wed. - fri.
▶June 27 - 29, 2012
Sat.- Sun.
▶June 2 - 3, 2012
▶May, 17, 2012
Sat.- Sun.
▶April 14 - 15, 2012
Mon. - Wed.
▶April 2 - 4, 2012
▪ R. Clifton Spargo leads testimonial writing workshop “The Stories We Tell,” sponsored by The Voices and Faces Project and and Mount Mary College
Mount Mary College
Milwaukee, WI
Mount Mary College
Milwaukee, WI
▪ Faculty, Unit on “Ethical Responses to the Holocaust,” The Summer Institute on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilization, sponsored by the Holocaust Educational Foundation (Director: Paul B. Jaskot)
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
▪ R. Clifton Spargo leads testimonial writing workshop “The Stories We Tell,” sponsored by The Voices and Faces Project and SACE
Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
▪ R. Clifton Spargo’s fiction featured in staged reading, with author talk back, Watershed Theater, RDG
RDG Planning & Design
301 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA
▪ R. Clifton Spargo leads testimonial writing workshop “The Stories We Tell,” sponsored by The Voices and Faces Project and The Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Downtown Cleveland, OH
▪ R. Clifton Spargo gives talk “’How 'Victim’ Became a Bad Word, and Why It Matters to the Anti-Violence Movement,” at the annual conference of EVAWI (End Violence Against Women International) San Diego
Sheraton Hotel
San Diego, CA